Biting Flies From The Diptera Order Of Insects Are Among The Most Dangerous Insects To Humans In The Northeast
Airborne insects in the Diptera order include common pests like mosquitoes, houseflies and fruit flies, just to name a few. Many insect pests of this order bite humans, which can spread a variety of disease-causing microorganisms, or cause tissue trauma that can lead...
How Do Pest Control Professionals Treat Indoor And Outdoor Carpenter Ant Nests?
Carpenter ants are well known for nesting within the structural wood of homes and buildings, but most carpenter ant infestations see worker ants invade homes in search of human food sources. In most infestation cases of the latter sort, invading worker ants usually...
Homes Located In Wooded Regions, And On Landscaped Properties Are At The Greatest Risk Of Being Invaded By Spiders
Spiders do not generally establish stubborn indoor infestations, but pest control professionals are, nevertheless, often called upon to address spider issues within homes. This is because many people have difficulty tolerating an indoor spider presence, and some...
Some Ants Spotted Within Homes May Never Leave Without Pest Control Intervention
Very few people can honestly claim to have never experienced issues with ant pests within their home. Ant infestations are more frequent than most other insect infestations, or maybe all, as ants are often the most frequently mentioned insects in residential surveys...
A New Pest Control Product Designed Like A Shotgun Allows People To Shoot Salt At Indoor Fly Pests Without Damaging Their Homes
Several fly species are common indoor and outdoor pests within Massachusetts. Some of the most commonly encountered fly pests in the state include houseflies, fruit flies, greenhead flies, horse flies and deer flies. While biting horse and deer flies mainly pose a...
Bird Mites Infested A Public School, And Infestations Are Not Uncommon Within Residential Households
Mites are tiny arachnid pests that often infest homes where they bite humans in order to feed on blood. Bites inflicted by mites can cause rashes, allergic reactions and local itchiness. Experts state that between 45,000 and 48,200 mite species have been documented...
How Do The Carpenter Ants That Infest Structural Wood Within Homes Produce Audible Sounds?
More than six hundred ant species inhabit the United States, some of which are non-native species that have established an invasive habitat in the country. While the habitat distribution of potentially dangerous ant species is largely limited to southern regions in...
What You Need To Know About The Emerging Mosquito-Borne Disease That Recently Killed One Massachusetts Resident
According to officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of mosquito-borne disease cases has been increasing steadily during the past decade. In fact, the rate of mosquito-borne disease cases has continued to increase in the US each year...
A Tick Embedded Itself In A Man’s Eyeball
The amount of disease-carrying ticks in the northeast, and in most other regions of the US, are increasing dramatically, and so is the rate of human tick-borne disease cases. Lyme disease is easily the most common tick-borne disease contracted in the northeast, as...
Mosquitoes Carrying Multiple Diseases In Worcester And Lakeville Have Already Infected Residents
The number of disease-carrying mosquitoes captured by public health officials in Massachusetts has been unusually high this year. Mosquitoes carrying the west Nile virus and eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) have been collected in numerous cities across Massachusetts....