by John Bozarjian | May 22, 2019 | Blog, Termites
While the eastern subterranean termite is considered to be “highly active” in many northeast states, indoor infestations have decreased substantially over the past few decades due to improved termite control methods. The termiticide soil barrier has become one of the...
by John Bozarjian | May 16, 2019 | Blog, Termites
The Vincent House in Edgartown is located on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, and the home is notable for several reasons. For one thing, the Vincent House is one of the oldest man made structures in the United States, as the house was constructed more than a century...
by John Bozarjian | Apr 8, 2019 | Blog, Termites
More than 90 percent of houses within the United States are timber-framed, making these homes a target for hungry termites. Even homes that are made of steel or brick masonry are not immune to termite damage, as most termite pest species in the US are capable of...
by John Bozarjian | Mar 12, 2019 | Blog, Termites
This year, Merrimack Pest Control and the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) are working to spread public awareness about termites during Termite Awareness Week, March 10-16, 2019. With spring just around the corner, termites will begin swarming and could...
by John Bozarjian | Feb 6, 2019 | Termites
There exists some disagreement concerning the taxonomic distinctions between different termites, but many experts divide termites into 12 families. Many termite species belonging to different families are morphologically similar enough to be considered members of one...